
الثلاثاء، 8 أبريل 2014

قاموس عربى إنجليزى فرنسى : معنى كلمة إبانة

معنى كلمة إبانة

- إِبَانَة ( ج:بين،م:( عــام )) : إِظْهار , إِيضاح
ترجمة فرنسية:
- éclaircissement
- action d'éclaircir,fait de s'éclaircir
- explication
- action d'expliquer;développement destiné à faire comprendre qqch
- expression
- action d'exprimer qqch par le langage ou une technique artistique
- manifestation
- action ou manière de manifester
- extériorisation
- action d'extérioriser
- exposition
- action de faire connaître,d'expliquer
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- demonstration
- an act of explaining and showing how something works or is done
- an example serving to elucidate
- emphasizing; publishing; making evident
- state of making or becoming clearer or purification
- uncovering;revealing;displaying;showing
- show or exhibition;the act of showing
- noun gerund of verb to display
- making something clear
- act of showing or collection of things shown publicly
- statement; fact; circumstance; or the process of explaining
- action of exposing or being exposed
- action or process of expressing
- making clear; bringing to light
- bringing into view
- play, party, spectacle, or performance or act of showing
- clarification; elucidation
- noun/gerund of verb (to uncover)