
الثلاثاء، 8 أبريل 2014

قاموس عربى إنجليزى فرنسى : معنى كلمة أباح وإباحى وإباحية

معنى كلمة أباح وإباحى وإباحية

- أَبَاحَ ( ج:بوح،م:( عــام )) : باحَ بِالسِّرّ , أَفْشَى
ترجمة فرنسية:
- révéler
- faire connaître
- révéler un secret
- livrer un secret
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- disclose
- uncover;allow to be seen;make known
- to give informations about something secret
- give permission to
- make facts, etc known or cause or allow something to be seen
- أَبَاحَ ( ج:بوح،م:( عــام )) : أَجَازَ
ترجمة فرنسية:
- admettre
- accepter, reconnaître pour vrai
- autoriser; admettre
- autoriser
- donner la permission, le droit
- lui donner l'autorité pour faire qqch
- légaliser
- rendre légal
- permettre
- donner la liberté de faire
- consentir
- autoriser , permettre
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- authorize
- give authority to somebody; give authority for something; empower; enable; entitle or permit; ratify; approve; confirm; sanction; allow; give leave
- show the justice or rightness of; demonstrate the correctness of; adduce adequate grounds for; vindicate
- to make legitimate by decree, etc
- to grant a license to or authorize the use of
- serve as a warrant for; justify; guarantee or attest to the genuineness of an article, the worth of a person, etc
- إِبَاحَة ( ج:بوح،م:( عــام )) : إِجَازَة
ترجمة فرنسية:
- autorisation
- permission donner par qqn
- charte
- ancien titre concédant des franchises,des privilèges
- légalisation
- action de légaliser
- licence
- possibilité d'agir sans contrainte
- permis
- autorisation officielle
- permission
- action de permettre
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- franchise
- exemption from a burden or jurisdiction
- permitting; approvig; authorizing
- action of authorizing; power given to somebody to do something; official permission to do something or the document granting it; ratification; warrant
- state of making lawful; bringing into harmony with the law
- act of making legitimate, allowable, etc
- act of making legitimate by decree, etc
- noun gerund of verb to let
- permit from an authority to own, etc or permission; leave
- noun gerund of verb to license
- officially allowed by law
- allowing something
- anything that authorizes person or action; a person so authorizing; a written authorization; a certificate of service rank held by a warrant-officer
- permission; concession; action of allowing
- an authority or justification
- إِبَاحَة ( ج:بوح،م:( عــام )) : بَوْح , إِفْشاء
ترجمة فرنسية:
- divulgation
- action de divulguer
- révélation
- action de révéler; ce qui est révélé
- déballage
- étalage de secrets , de confidences
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- circulation
- spreading or state of being circulated;known by a lot of people
- uncovering;revealing;displaying;showing
- scattering;sprinkling;spreading
- the act of giving informations about something secret
- declaration
- spreading or circulation
- uncovering; making known or public
- the act of revealing (facts, secrets, etc)
- making known something that was secret or hidden; revealing
- a favourable description in advance; publicity
- إِبَاحِيّ ( ج:بوح،م:صفات) : غَيْرُ مُقَيَّدٍ بِتَقَالِيد وَأَعْرَاف
ترجمة فرنسية:
- libre
- licencieux,osé
- licencieux
- qui manque de pudeur,de décence,libertin
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- dissolute
- having an immoral way of life
- lascivious, indecent
- licentious; dissolute
- dissolute person
- lewd; dissolute; very immoral
- of licentious magazines or films
- dissolute or disipated
- إِبَاحِيَّة ( ج:بوح،م:( عــام )) : حُرِّيَّةُ القَوْلِ وَالْفِعْل
ترجمة فرنسية:
- permissivité
- fait d'être permissif
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- dissoluteness
- the state of having an immoral attitude in life
- state of being libertine
- state of being lewd; dissolute; very immoral
- excessive liberty or licentiousness or abuse of freedom