
الثلاثاء، 8 أبريل 2014

قاموس عربى إنجليزى فرنسى : معنى كلمة أُبَاشَة

معنى كلمة أُبَاشَة

- أُبَاشَة ( ج:ءبش،م:( عــام )) : جَمَاعَة
ترجمة فرنسية:
- bande
- groupe de personnes , compagnie
- équipe
- groupe de personnes travaillant à une même tâche ou unissant leurs efforts dans le même dessein
- escouade
- petit groupe de personnes
- groupe
- ensemble de personnes ou de choses
- légion
- grand nombre de personnes
- meute
- bande de gens acharmés contre qqn
- formation
- groupement de personnes
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- circle
- persons grouped round a centre of interests
- group of people joined together for a common purpose; organization; confederation; society; league; union; corporation; federation; company; club
- group of persons having the same religion,race,etc or with common interests
- a social community
- sect ; religious group
- the foremost line or part of an army; line of battle; a scene of actual fighting; an organized political group; part of the ground towards the enemy
- (group of persons who carry on)secret plot;intrigue(especially in politics)
- group; company; party
- group having qualities of the same kind;kind,sort of division or system of ranks in society ;all people in one of these ranks or grouping of organisms
- small exclusive group of people
- group of people banded together (and supporting a particular leader)
- group of people who work together
- being together with another or others,persons with whom one spends one's time,group of persons or guests,or number of persons united for business
- exclusive group of people sharing interests; select circle in society
- large number of people together, but without order or organization or the masses; people in general
- a number of animals of one kind travelling together
- a band of persons acting or going about together, especially for criminal purposes
- company; party; collective
- group of people playing various musical instruments together
- all the persons
- group, company or detachment
- soldiers, esp. in organized groups .
- group; section; division
- a class of persons or things of the same grade
- a group of people , esp. when they are moving .
- category; class; sort
- a set of players forming one side in a game.