
الثلاثاء، 8 أبريل 2014

قاموس عربى إنجليزى فرنسى : معنى كلمة إبداع

معنى كلمة إبداع

- إِبْداع ( ج:بدع،م:( عــام )) : اِبْتِكَار , اِخْتِراع
ترجمة فرنسية:
- découverte
- ce qui est découvert
- création
- action de créer , de tirer du néant
- ingéniosité
- qualité de ce qui est ingénieux
- innovation
- action d'innover
- invention
- action d'inventer ; chose inventée
- originalité
- caractère de ce qui est original
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- creativeness and innovation
- unique fulfilmet; innovation
- producing of young; bringing into the world
- producing; causing
- inventing(of a new word) or making money
- invention; capacity to invent or deceitful practice
- inventing;find a way of doing something
- act of creating; making; producing
- power to create; creation
- ability to create; inventiveness
- noun gerund of verb to design
- noun gerund of verb to devise
- calling forth
- invention or devisal
- the noun gerund of verb fashion
- causing; producing; begetten; creating
- production of living beings, electricity, etc
- process of inventing; something invented
- the ability to invent
- a newness; the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting
- state or quality of being original
- the act of founding, establishing or creating
- noun gerund of verb ( to trigger )
- inventing of a new word or a newly invented word
- إِبْداعِيّ ( ج:بدع،م:أدب وشعر) : اِبْتِكَارِيّ ( أَدَب )
ترجمة فرنسية:
- romantique
- se dit de qqn chez lui la sensibilité et l'imagination l'emportent sur la rationalité
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- artistic
- connected with art; showing skill in arts; attractive and done with skill or imagination
- to be inventive
- having or showing in a high degree the faculty of imagination
- existing from the beginning; first or earliest, or newly created or formed, or written not copied
- creative; innovative; inventive
- إِبْداعِيّ ( ج:بدع،م:صفات) : اِبْتِكَاريّ
ترجمة فرنسية:
- original
- d'une singularité neuve ou personnelle
- créatif
- qui manifeste de la créativité
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- creative
- having power to creat; of creation
- to be inventive
- creating or created by imagination
- having or showing in a high degree the faculty of imagination
- clever at inventing; skilful
- creative, originative, inventive
- creative, originative, innovative
- existing from the beginning; first or earliest, or newly created or formed, or written not copied
- creative; innovative; inventive
- strongly influencing later developments
- creative; innovative