
الثلاثاء، 8 أبريل 2014

قاموس عربى إنجليزى فرنسى : معنى كلمة ( آب ) و ( أب )

معنى كلمة ( آب ) و ( أب )

- آب ( ج:آب،م:( عــام )) : أُغُسْطُس
ترجمة فرنسية:
- août
- huitième mois de l'année
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- August
- the eighth month of the year, next after July
- آبَ ( ج:ءوب،م:( عــام )) : رَجَعَ
ترجمة فرنسية:
- revenir,retourner
- rappliquer
- revenir en un lieu
- rentrer
- pénétrer quelque part après en être sorti
- retourner
- se rendre de nouveau dans un lieu où l'on est déjà allé
- revenir
- venir une autre fois quelque part
- repartir
- partir de nouveau , retourner
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- move to the back
- to return
- to return home
- to bring in
- to move yourself away from something; to be afraid or unwilling to do something
- to go back to
- return back
- tha act of returning back to an ealier or lees advanced form or state
- feel regret or sorrow about (something one has done or failed to do)
- withdraw (a statement, charge, etc)
- retract; retreat; move back; withdrwa
- go backwards or get worse
- come or go back to a place, earlier condition
- return to a former state or condition
- pull or take aside or back; discontinue, cancel, retract; remove, take away; retire, go away; move away or back; take (money) out of an account
- move or pull something back or in
- go away to a place of shelter or privacy
- go back in thought or speech to; return to mind; come up again; be repeated; occur again; come back to one's mind
- أَب ( ج:ءبو،م:أديان) : كاهِن
ترجمة فرنسية:
- ministre
- pasteur du culte réformé
- capelan
- prêtre,protestant
- curé
- prêtre
- vicaire
- prêtre qui exerce son ministère dans une paroisse sous la dépendance d'un curé
- clergyman
- ministre protestant anglo-saxon
- ecclésiastique
- membre du clergé d'une Eglise
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- cassock
- priest;clergyman
- priest,especially in the navy,army or air force or officiating a chapel
- male priest in the Christian church
- clergyman who helps a parish priest
- a person who divines,especially one who claims to have the power of learning the presence of subterranean water,metal by using a Y-shaped stick or rod
- priest; clergyman
- parish priest
- priest or a clergyman
- priest or clergyman
- one who performs relihgious dutiesn in church
- clergyman in charge of a parish from which he receives his income directly
- a diviner or seer
- (in the Church of England) clergyman in charge of a parish where tithes formerly belonged to another person or an institution
- a priest, esp. of religious order
- أَب ( ج:ءبو،م:علاقات) : والِد
ترجمة فرنسية:
- père
- homme qui a engendrer des enfants
- géniteur
- qui a engendré, père
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- dad
- informal of father
- child's word for father
- a man in relation to a child or children bron from fertilization of an ovum
- father
- أَب ( ج:ءبو،م:علاقات) : الأَبَوَان : الْأَبُ وَالْأُمُّ
ترجمة إنجليزية:
- mother and father of someone